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Starting up a small business has always been about demand, speed to market and viability. Adapt or die as they say. However, for a true entrepreneur, an innovative and creative mindset can thrive in that environment. That is, it’s always better to create a trend then to follow one and that is the governing philosophy at MINT. 

If you are eager to turn your amazing ideas to a product or service with a captive market in an ever-changing world, MINT College offers a four-year, multi-disciplinary Entrepreneurship program for aspiring young business professionals. Our degree program teaches the aspects of business, design and technology to develop a product or service that can enrich lives and be useful for a digitally connected consumer. Our classes give opportunities to MINT students to participate in the world of start-ups to directly engage with business professionals.

The MINT Entrepreneurship program has a curriculum that can develop a progressive and business-savvy mindset that can thrive in various industries, be able to create and launch the next great start-up, or help existing organizations to adapt via new and creative ways. We offer three concentrations in which students can explore their strengths as an aspiring young entrepreneur.  

Do you enjoy scanning through Pinterest and lookbooks for inspiration to create? Do you love looking at the latest fashion trends? Or do you enjoy finding inspirations to build your own unique aesthetic? Maybe our FASHION & LIFESTYLE concentration is a good fit for you! 

In this concentration, you will learn how to work your way in the Fashion industry. We have specialized classes wherein you can learn skills like designing, as well as effective marketing and communications, for you to thrive in Fashion and Lifestyle brands. The students’ final project would have to be able to launch a viable fashion or lifestyle product or service.


If you are into building platforms and creating content, we have NEW MEDIA to offer! This concentration will have classes that can enhance your understanding of the media and teaches you the tools of media production. New Media students are encouraged to work with other media-focused programs in MINT College such as Music Business Management, Film and Video, and Multimedia Arts to be able to create and develop media-related products and services.

If you love shopping online, or have great ideas in launching your own business platform someday, we offer E-COMMERCE for you! This is a new addition to our concentrations in the program that has a range of specialized subjects that tackles how technology has been forming our current market these days. In this course, you will learn how to apply technology in reaching consumers, create efficiencies in service flow and product chains and ultimately create unique products and services befitting your grown network. You will also get a chance to work with students from technology-focused programs in MINT such as Computer Science and Information Technology dedicated to work on the web aspect.

Our comprehensive and multi-faceted Entrepreneurship program here at MINT will help you grow the potential of your business visions and goals in due time. Our graduates are ready to move up and move forward smartly in any business venture they create in the future. 

Want to know more about this program? Check out https://mintcollege.com/marketing  for more details. Enrollment for college and senior high school for the school year 2022-2023 is now open. Get in touch with our Admissions team via e-mail at admissions@mintcollege.com or you may call them at 0917 637 9936 or at (02) 8551-9655 for information on our application process.  W

