12/2024 - Academic calendar for S.Y. 2024-2025 applicable to MINT College and Senior High School
sy 2024-2025 academic calendar
12.2024 - Attached is the academic calendar for SY 2024-2025, applicable to MINT College and Senior High School.
06.10.2022 - The announcement explains the hybrid set-up for school year 2022-2023. In here are the two options given to students who would like to attend their classes in-person, and those who will choose to continue with their online classes. Both MINT College campuses at Taguig and Pasig are open for incoming college and senior high students.
SURVEY ON ANXIETY AND STRESS related to the 2022 national elections
05.10.2022 - The 2022 National Elections was done on Monday, May 9, 2022. Most of our students are registered voters. There was a survey conducted on students regarding election-related anxiety and stress, and the result reflected that almost all of our students are having a hard time in class. With this, MINT College opted to declare an ACADEMIC EASE to help our students pace themselves for their mental welfare. More details about this is stated above.
postponement of 2ND SEMESTER OF SY 2021-2022 DUE TO OMICRON
01.20.2022 - After the survey conducted on students, there has been an alarming rise in cases of people getting sick in their respective homes. Due to the threat of Omicron, MINT College has decided to push back the opening of the 2nd Semester of SY 2021-2022 on January 31, 2022. With this, the deadline of enrollment will also be pushed back to January 29, 2022.
Please see the official memo by the MINT admin on the left.
01.07.2022 - 2nd semester of SY 2021-2022 will begin on January 24, 2022 for both Senior High and College. Due to the recommendation of CHED to transition back from quarterly terms to semester, there have been delays in our preparation which affected the opening of classes. With this, enrollment will also be extended until January 23, 2022 to accommodate all new and returning students.
Updated school calendar will be posted shortly.
mint to start trial classes for “new normal”
07.31.2020 - In line with the official start of classes on August 10, 2020 for the school year 2020-2021, MINT College sent a memo regarding the August 3, 2020 trial classes for the “new normal”. Please see attached memo below:
“rethink” as new normal for sy 2020-2021
06.21.2020 - MINT College will have ReThink as the “new normal” for their first semester this school year 2020-2021. They offer two options that will use online platforms to continue learning. For those with limited internet connection, they offer a module-based learning where the students will only go online when needed. Please see the memo on the left.
grading options for 2nd sem sy 2019-2020
04.29.2020 - With the Enhanced Community Quarantine extended until May 15, 2020 for the whole of NCR, MINT College offered grading options to students for 2nd semester. See the graphic on the left.
Graphic by Aia Arkoncel, MINT Multimedia student
03.19.2020 - MINT College announced the postponement of online classes. It will start on March 23, 2020. See the official memo on below.
closing of ortigas campus due to enhanced quarantine
03.16.2020 - Enhanced Quarantine measures have just been announced in the whole of Luzon. We will have to close our Ortigas Campus as a result of this turn of events. This also overrides our announcement yesterday, meaning we will not be able to have teachers come in to use the classrooms for their online classes moving forward. We are closely monitoring and will update everyone tomorrow if there are any changes.
closing of mckinley campus due to lockdown
03.15.2020 - MINT McKinley (MMK) will be temporarily closed starting Monday, March 16, 2020, during the current lockdown in Metro Manila.
parts of ortigas campus still open for teachers
03.15.2020 - The third floor at MINT Ortigas East (MOE) will remain open for teachers needing classrooms to conduct their online classes. The fourth floor will be closed starting Monday, March 16, 2020, during the current lockdown in Metro Manila.