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Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)

The Integrated Marketing and Communications (IMC) short course provides a comprehensive overview of strategic communication techniques, blending traditional and digital marketing to create cohesive and effective brand messaging.


Empowering Public Enterprises: Strategies for Effective and Profitable Operations

This 3-day workshop is specifically designed to empower public organizations with the knowledge and tools needed to manage government-owned businesses effectively, efficiently, and profitably.


Building Strong Leaders: Essential Leadership Skills for Employees and Managers

This 1-day workshop is crafted to empower employees and managers with foundational leadership skills vital for driving success within their organizations.


Together We Thrive: A Team-Building Adventure

This team-building workshop is designed to bring employees together for a day of engaging, fun-filled activities that focus on enhancing collaboration, communication, and camaraderie. 


Mastering UX Design

This UX Design short course is tailored for companies and SMEs aiming to improve the look, feel, and usability of their desktop and mobile application interfaces.