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They're at it, again.

MINT Junior Marketing Association is more than ready to put this new competition in the bag. Members Lyra Jazmin, Nichole Cruz, Gab Sadicon, and Aia Arkoncel had passed the second phase of Ateneo de Manila's Camp IMC.

The said competition is open to Marketing associations from Ateneo and other schools, including MINT College. Sponsored by Klook, a booking app for travelers. Competitors are tasked to pitch an idea that will push people to use Klook when traveling. Last February 23, the MINTEAM had a mock session to pitch their selling idea to the panel judges, and will undergo mentorship before the final round.

Among the 20 participants who passed the first elimination, they managed to land in the top five to continue their fight.

This coming March 2, would be their final pitch. W

Video by: RM Cristobal

Interview by: Chai Lugares
