Check out the MINT Holiday Jam Playlist!
The Philippines is known for having one of the longest Christmas celebrations. Here at MINT, the holidays are further extended with the recent release of “MINT Holiday Jam”–an EP of three popular Christmas song covers done by MINT’s resident musicians.
MINT Music Business Management (MBM) students Jorik Katalbas; Diego Redoblado; and bandmates Raiza Racelis, Izzy Mariano, and Timothy Valiente gave their own spin to three songs uploaded at MINT’s official YouTube channel, @mintschool, last December 2018.
Jorik Katalbas, MINT’s resident crooner, delivered a warm and sweet-sounding “First Noel”. With only a keyboard piano to sing with, the song gave off that homey, familiar feeling whenever you’re around family and friends during gatherings.
Online friends-turned-bandmates R.I.T.—or Raiza Racelis, Izzy Mariano, and Timo Valiente—gave “Hark The Heralds” a chill vibe, fit for conversations over hot chocolates.
Diego Redoblado, MINT guitar master, gave “Jingle Bells” a millenial-Gen Z Christmas party reboot.
Artists: Jorik Katalbas, Diego Redoblado, Raiza Racelis, Izzy Mariano, Timo Valiente
Produced by: MINT College (Herba Buena)
Co-Produced by Sam de Leon
Mix and Master by Sam de Leon
Art : Teks Pabuayon