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Entrepreneurial Management

MINT SHS students Slay at Start-Up Weekend Manila


MINT SHS students Slay at Start-Up Weekend Manila

As for advice, Chong shared that “learning doesn’t stop inside the classroom.” She emphasized the importance of meeting different people and interacting with them, because they can teach you new things. She also added that “failure is good,” as it allows ideas to improve and bring them closer to their goal.


The Curious "Case" of the Manzano Sisters


The Curious "Case" of the Manzano Sisters

Siblings Bella and Sofia Manzano—MINT Film and Entrepreneurial Management students, respectively—made it their goal to help artists gain audience for their creation. What's the best way to do that? Through phone cases!


The Value in Stories


The Value in Stories

“Marketing is no longer about the stuff you sell, but the stories you tell.”

This was a great takeaway from Jim Guzman, one of the three key speakers from the adobo class a: School of Creativity last November 28 at the MINT Playhouse. adobo publication is considered the “industry bible” of professional creatives here in the Philippines.
